Philosophy and Fiction
A Footnote to Plato: a behind the book look, crafting philosophical fiction
A Footnote to Plato: Chapters 2 & 3

A Footnote to Plato: Chapters 2 & 3

The Final Fischelson, The Apology

Start from the beginning.

Hello everyone!

A bit of news first. Andreas Keller (Wordpress bloggers, you may know him) has recently joined the editorial team for “Borderless Philosophy” and he has asked me to get the word out that they are open to submissions. You don’t have to be an academic philosopher to submit.

Borderless Philosophy’s only criteria of selection are (i) that the work be of genuine interest to philosophers or any other philosophically-minded person, and (ii) that the work be generally accessible to non-academics as well as professional academics, with a minimum of scholarly apparatus.

I hope you enjoyed chapter one last week. That was the shortest podcast episode for this series. From here on out the number of chapters you’ll get per episode will start increasing. I think of a novel as having a snowball effect such that the closer you get to the end, the less likely you are to want to stop reading, and I hoped structuring the podcast in this way would reflect the novel’s natural momentum as much as possible.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!



I hope you enjoy it so much you’ll take note of the next book I write and maybe even leave a review for this one once you’re done. You can show your appreciation with a tip or upgrade to a:

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  • FOOTNOTES: my annotated commentary, writing tips, a behind the book look.

  • BONUS MATERIAL: that has never seen the light of day.

  • STORY ARC: my adaptation of the Hero’s Journey for literary fiction.

  • COMPLETE AUDIOBOOK DOWNLOAD to listen on Spotify, great for road trips.


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Previously on “A Footnote to Plato”…


“Expect the worst, and anything less will come as a pleasant surprise.”

It’s 2012 and we’re on the fictional campus of Winston College, just before the start of winter break. Philosophy professor, Dr. Isaac Fischelson, has learned the hard way to keep out of campus politics and mind his own business, but this proves impossible when he’s called to a surprise committee meeting where he’s accused of ‘standing too close’ and ‘being biased in regards to women.’ He finds these accusations hard to believe. What is he really in trouble for? Why he can’t get a straight answer from anyone? And who put the old copy of the college bylaws in his campus mailbox? He hears two students, Alexandra and Joshua, arguing outside and is reminded of a meeting back in October when Alexandra came to his office to ask for help in his logic course.

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Philosophy and Fiction
A Footnote to Plato: a behind the book look, crafting philosophical fiction
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