After Dinner Conversation Author Interviews & Features
ADC Author Q&A*
If you are the author of a short story published in After Dinner Conversation and would like to be profiled in the ADC Substack newsletter, please email me the following information (no need to create a separate document—just include everything in the body of the email.):
Your answers to 3-5 of the interview questions (below). Check for spelling and typos before sending.
A link to your story on Amazon or another book retailer.
An author photo. (Preferably not shot vertically, otherwise Substack will cut your head off in the previews or focus on something weird. Square is fine.)
A brief bio written in 3rd person with your full name or pen name.
Any promotional links you would like for me to include, along with any promo photos (if applicable). This is a good time to promote a book to ADC’s 81K+ subscribers. Simple works best. Discounts get results.
Please include “ADC Interview” in the subject line of your email.
*If you write philosophical fiction that has been published elsewhere, you can apply to be interviewed by sending me a link to your philosophical story (novel or short story).
(Email me at tforsee at gmail). If you’re not sure if your story is “philosophical”, this might give you some idea:
I’m hoping these interviews will be interesting and educational for our subscribers.
There is no set deadline since these interviews will be ongoing.
Tina Lee Forsee
Author Interview Questions
Answer 3-5 questions in the body of your email to me. Thanks!
Are there any ideas or topics that you wish you had the courage to write about?
Which philosophy or philosopher most aligns with your own beliefs?
Is there any standard publishing or writing advice that you disagree with? Or any standard advice that you feel is too often neglected?
Is your process for writing philosophical fiction different from the way you approach other works?
How do you come up with ideas for your short stories?
Are there any ideas right now that are ripe for fictionalizing?
If you could obtain certain knowledge of one specific thing, what would that be?
Describe your ideal reader.
What is the greatest compliment you have received as a writer? The most stinging criticism?
Which authors or books would you recommend to those who want to challenge their own thinking?
Is there an interview question you wish someone would ask you? How would you answer it?