Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Tina Lee Forsee

I've got it down pat now. The post with the ghost is in the goat on the boat. I mean the post with the ALL-CAPS FOOTNOTE is the text one, and the other one is the audiobook one. Only took me three times to see the obvious -- about par. I think it was the extract that threw me. Both posts start with book text... wait, what? But I'm there now. Slow but I get there eventually.

One question I've been meaning to ask. I've noticed your blog has the like and comment buttons only at the top. I'm curious how that's configured. I've never seen a setting for it.

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Apparently I'm even slower Wyrd. I had to read this comment to realize it. Thanks!

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Sep 12Liked by Tina Lee Forsee

We’re old, but we get there!

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I hadn't noticed that about the buttons. I suspect it has to do with the nature of the post. What you're looking at here is a "podcast" post rather than a regular post. Maybe that's it? I'm not sure.

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Sep 12Liked by Tina Lee Forsee

That could be it. The text post does have buttons at the bottom.

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Wow..ch. 7. What a joy and challenge this one must have been to write. Journeys, conflict, lying, and a return to my ancestors' homeland! Excellent work. Piraeus is a dump. At least it was 25 years ago.

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Thanks! It was indeed a challenge, what with all the stuff hitting the fan, and in public, and on a stage. I won't say anything about Greece just yet...you'll have to wait for the next episode. :)

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